The Team

Adam and George are high school students currently participating in the FRC (First Robotics Competition) for team 840, and have the roles as team captain and mechanical lead respectively. During their time at Aragon High School, they have developed strong passions for design and engineering, and always search for ways to build their knowledge and bring it beyond school.

Adam Richter

Adam is a senior student and is the primary manager of the OmniKart initiative. He is responsible for directing the scope of the project from the design to the brand, and has spent countless hours developing the CAD, renders, and website.

He has a passion for mechanical engineering and seeks practical ways to turn ideas into reality.

George Tao

George is a junior student and puts great effort into Omnikart’s design. With thousands of hours spent designing mechanisms in CAD, he is able to make a 3D model of practically anything, and has prototyped dozens of swerve modules.

Beyond his mechanical expertise, he is always happy to help with any aspect of a project.

How we designed OmniKart

OmniKart’s design was the result of hundreds of hours of brainstorming, modeling, and iterating. We used Onshape to CAD Omnikart and Blender to render it.

How we will build Omnikart

Once adequate funding is received, we will begin by building and testing a single T83 Module. From there, we will create a functional prototype before the completed version, which will only be the first of many upcoming iterations. Code development will take place simultaneously.

We intend to continue innovating on OmniKart while we study mechanical engineering in college.