How it works

The OmniKart utilizes a square drive base with a swerve module in each each corner, with module contains a wheel capable of independent steering and drive. The four modules work in unison to achieve precise movement and quick acceleration in any direction.

    • Omnidirectional movement

    • Rotate about the center, even while moving

    • Accurately maneuver in tight spaces

    • Drive with a top a speed of 24MPH

    • 50"x50" square

    • Steel boxtube main frame

    • Round steel tube rollcage and bottom frame

    • 201Lbs dry weight

    • Remote control via RC flight controller

    • On-board steering and translation via dual joystick setup with rudder pedals

    • 14S6P Lithium Iron Phosphate battery

    • 8 5000W brushless motors: 4 four steering, 4 for translational movement

    • Modified Drone Control Hub for precise and individual motor control

The T83 Swerve

The T83 Swerve is the centerpiece of the V1 OmniKart’s design. Countless iterations of similar swerves have all accumulated in this version.

In our iterative design philosophy, the first and second digits of the module name display the version of the module and mount respectively.

When designing new versions, we take lessons learned from each previous model, and each iteration is the product of dozens of hours of design, research, and dedication.